ABOUT Xoanxo

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Xoanxo and His Work

I was born in Cée (Galicia, Spain) in 1970, where I spent my childhood and adolescent years until 1988 when I left for the UK. From 1988 I lived in the UK (London and Chesire) until 2001, year in which I moved to The Netherlands (Noord Holland). In 2013 I returned to the UK (Surrey) which is where I currently reside.

The best definition I was ever given of myself was from my good friend Aziz who once said to me "You are what makes this moment possible", and I fully agreed with that view.

My contribution in the creation of Artworks do not differ from how I approach social relations or any other type of interaction. Sometimes, instinctively, spontaneously, in collaboration with my surroundings, often responding to how they behave in an impulsive, emotional or unconscious way, but sometimes with premeditation and intention to manipulate in order to serve my own needs and expectations. 

The process of creating leads me often to disappear as an idea where time ceases to exist and conflicts completely vanish, it is then, when I truly feel I have become "one" with the "moment". I realize that the works I help creating are the results of my collaboration with many other factors which are completely out of my control and my own contribution does not always follow a reasoned or logical process of thought.

While in the past I aimed at becoming a different artist by attempting to do something that I would consider truly unique, original, different from anything that had been done before, I now consider "Originality" to be the sincere expression of oneself, and that is what I aim at Today, with my Art and Life.

My works have been exhibited in several cities and locations since 1993, amongst them, London (Bolivar Hall, Canning House, John Jones Gallery, IMO Arts Society...), Manchester (Portico Gallery, Instituto Cervantes, Manchester Airport...), Macclesfield (West Park Museum), Stockport (Howard Francis Gallery), Amsterdam (Art Hotel, Schichol Airport...), Hoofddorp where I had my own Studio-Gallery space (2011-2013), Madrid (Circulo de Bellas Artes), my home town, Cée, etc.




Contact:   Xoanxo@xoanxo.com   


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"Rain Catcher" framed proposal via FAA:

